Decision – May 2020

A decree aiming at the development of capital market through reducing on transaction fees on the EGX was issued so that it would become a more competitive market among its counterpart regional and international markets of exchange.

Decrees No. 1013, 1014 and 1015 of 2020 reduced fees, which are charged on the market institutions for the trading on EGX.
Pursuant to Decree No. 1013 of 2020, service charges, which are charged to the institutions trading on EGX for their transactions, would become 0.0001% instead of 0.00012%.

Prime Minister’s Decree No. 1014 of 2010 stipulates that fees on settlements and clearing operations shall be 0.0001% down from 0.000125%.

Decree No. 1015 of 2020 on Reorganization of Investor Protection Fund stipulates the reduction of the fees collected by the Fund by 50% so that it shall be 0.00005% instead of 0.0001%.
Decree on amending Article No. 34 of Investment Law No. 72 of 2017, which would permit licensing for industries existing upon natural gas as one of the production inputs, on the top thereof shall be fertilizers, petrochemicals, to operate under the Free Zones system, without prejudice to the provisions of Law No. 133 of 2010.